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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Christmas 1962

I was young. . . 3 years old

I have a few memories of this age, one of which was Christmas morning.

Santa had come, I just knew it.

I didn't know what Christmas was all about, but I knew to expect toys, candies, surpises and the family gathering.

I had one of the largest gifts under the tree.  It was a large box, almost as big as I was.

I needed help from my father opening the box

It was trucks. . . Construction trucks . . . TONKA construction trucks 

It was set No. 2190 in this image

The set contained a dump truck, a cement truck, a bulldozer, a front end loader and a "trailer thingy" that I found later to be a road packer.  I didn't find this out until just a few years ago . . . Well into my 50's.  LOL, that didn't matter, though.  It was a "construction trailer thingy" and was played with because it was with the construction set!

I played with the trucks from this construction set for years.  I created roads, foundations, just plain construction sites where I was moving loads (sand) from one location to the next, smoothing out the road with the bulldozer, pulling the "trailer thingy", pouring cement, etc…

The "cement" was sand with water poured into the hopper.  When you pushed the Cement truck, the hopper turned, thereby, mixing the "cement"

I was extremely rough on my toys . . . I played with them.  Probably as intended.

Very few of my toys survived my childhood into my adulthood.

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