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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Universal Construction Kit

Who has ever built a Lincoln Log model and thought that it would be nice to add parts from LEGO or pieces of Tinker Toy ?  I've been in that fix in the past.  What did I do ?  Nothing.  There really wasn't much to do at that time.  I suppose I could have drilled holes, used some super glue and generally destroyed a piece or two to connect them, but I'm a bit of a purist and that just doesn't seem palatable to me.

In 2012, the folks at F.A.T. Lab and Sy-Lab in partnership with Adapterz LLC, came up with a solution.  The Free Universal Construction Kit.

Their website with everything about the Free Universal Construction Kit is:

They have a nice PDF Poster showing the different configurations that are available.

These are free to download to your computer and if you have access to a 3-D printer, free to print

These can also be found at Thingiverse, a 3-D printing pattern repository

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