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Sunday, October 28, 2018

To Collect or To Build, that is the question

To Collect or To Build, that is the question

Why one or the other ?

Why not both ?

I guess the question you'd need to ask yourself in that regard is, are you a purist, are you a child at heart, or are you a little of both ?

I believe that I fall into the third category.

I have a couple of sets that I'm working to complete, so I'm working with inventories and mass purchases to gather the requisite parts and pieces to appease my "Collection" mentality.

I also work with mass purchases so that I can gather several parts to build anything that I want. 

Sometimes, I build, tear down, then build again, other times, I build and leave built.  I build SOME things to fill a specific goal or need that I've found

A 3rd classification that I didn't mention above, is "investor".

Many of the parts that I've purchased have simply been because it's too good of a deal to pass up.  I can sell some of these parts for many times what I've paid for them

So, am I an investor, a purist collector, a grown child who likes to play with my construction toys, or a bit of all 3

I'm squarely in the midst of all of the above.  :)

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